Ukraine. Arbitration-friendly jurisdiction: 2013-2014” statistical report

Ukrainian courts have developed a friendly attitude to arbitration and do not create significant barriers for arbitration agreements to be recognized and arbitral awards to be recognized and enforced. Refusals to grant the leave for enforcement of arbitral awards in Ukraine are relatively rare – 10% and 18% of all requests considered in 2013 and 2014 respectively, according to the Statistical Report “Ukraine. Arbitration-friendly jurisdiction: 2013-2014” prepared by Cai & Lenard.

Covering cases from 2013 until the first half of 2014, the Report analyzes the practice of Ukrainian Courts in the recognition and enforcement of arbitral agreements and arbitral awards. The Report visits the reasons argued by parties to challenge arbitral awards and the reasons why in some cases Ukrainian Courts deny enforcement.

The Report is available in EnglishRussian and Ukrainian.

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